5 Insights on Improving Digestion

My gut and I have really never gotten along. Decades went by of me thinking this was normal. What I didn’t know was that there was a better way. The old saying goes “we don’t know what we don’t know”. I was doing what other people did around me and listened to the media. Not all of it was right for me!!!

Time and persistence = SLOWLY learning that I don’t have to feel crapy everyday. 

I will share with you what I have learned; so that you don’t have to suffer as I did. And if you read to the end I will give you a BONUS on how I get good night sleep.  

There are 5 realizations that I want to share with you; hoping to give you a starting point in your own gut healing.

We live different lives than our grandparents did

We live different lives than our grandparents did. So many times I have heard the phrase, “my grandparent lived into their 90’s and they smoked and drank everyday. So I can do that too.” BUT here is the sad news, if we do live to our 90’s we will be broken down people - not spry like them. WHY? Everything was different back then. 

+ If you wanted vegetables back then you had to can or freeze them so you could eat them in the winter. Now we have to spray them with chemicals to keep them “fresh” while they are being transported. 

+ There are foods like flour that have been so genetically modified that our bodies don’t recognize it anymore. 

+ There is more environmental crap all around us that our bodies are so busy taking care of that it can't do anything else. 

+ Grandparents walked everywhere - we don’t.

The basic functions of our bodies have been so taxed or depleted that most of our bodily systems are over worked and confused. Sounds horrible I know but there is hope and it is easier than you think.

Over taxing of our bodies

Over taxing of our bodies - forgive yourself it is not your fault. 

We have been exposed to so many toxic chemicals from so many different places that have been forced upon us. 

The food companies have been brainwashing us for decades telling us that their products are quick, easy and yummy.  BUT laced with chemicals that our bodies don’t know how to deal with them. 

Our kidneys and liver are so busy getting the yuck out.


Our digestive system has to deal with thousands of ingredients that are not natural to us. 

Each bodily system is affected & overworked. 

+ our gut bacteria is reduced

+ our digestive enzymes are reduced

+ we don’t put the good stuff back in to help our bodies out

We've become tired, worn out and the digestion process takes a beating. 

Small changes make a huge difference and the good news is, we DON'T have to be perfect at it.

Take a Step Back & Evalute what is going on


Take a step back and watch what you are eating, drinking, breathing and putting on your skin just for a day or 2.

A good place to start is to just take note as to what you are doing now. Don’t beat yourself up, whatever it is  - it is. Know that you will learn small things to make it better. 

I have a checklist to help you get started, don’t over complicate the process either. Just an average day, maybe two, for you. 

You want to know what your reality is - it is not right or wrong - it just is

Then the big question is: are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?

Too much? Too often? Sitting too long?

Too much? We have not learned when enough is enough. Or maybe we forgot or maybe the media has lied to us or maybe we were raised with unhealthy habits (that we thought were healthy) or maybe using "being lazy" as a reward or maybe telling ourselves we deserve it or maybe I was just feeling like a bag of poo and don’t have to will or energy to do the healthier thing. 

Any of those sound familiar to you? This was ALL ME!

 Again forgive yourself. Blame and stress is  just no good for anyone. 

Eat too much - Eat the wrong things - Eat too often - Sit too long - This was me for so many of the reasons above, lol. And my tummy hated it!

Focus on ONE Small Step


I have done the radical or extreme changes to my life and none of them have stuck

BUT when I changed one little tiny thing, I actually do it and I keep on doing it

I like to experiment. I try one small thing to see if it works or if I see changes. 

Basically I am proving to myself that this one little thing is going to make a difference in my life. I give myself time to get used to this small step. 

I remind myself that it is all about this one little step; whether that is more energy, better sleep, better pooping or less gut burning. One small step.

I focus on the small and that will create great change over time. You can too!

Bonus: My Sleep Routine 

I take many small steps to put myself to bed:
  • My room is dark and cool
  • There is NO TV in my bedroom
  • I reduce the blue screen time - I have a hot bath and then read my book
  • I love my sheets - I spend good money on good sheets
  • I have my diffuser going with my essential oils - 2 drops of lavender, orange and cederwood
  • I take 3 deep breaths when I am done reading
So now what do you do? 
I don’t want you to be overwhelmed first of all.

1. Re-read this a couple of times. 

2. What sticks out to you? 

3. Download the checklist and fill it out.

4. Email me your one thing.

5. Check your email for more info

6. Give yourself a pat on the back - you took a step!

Improving your digestion system from many different angles will bring you success, you decide where to start!

Information courtesy of Dawn Dykman