Dawn Dykman

gut aches? Digestion issues? Gas? Bloating?  

Do you have ALL the washroom locations memorized before leaving the house? I did . . . . 

One Thing can improve your Digestion - you decide where to start

Meet Dawn Dykman


I figured it out! And now I feel great!

All my life I thought I was normal.
  • burped all the time
  • always had Tums with me
  • bloating - pain
  • binge ate
I had my gull bladder out at age 20 which I thought was normal. I was just like most of the females in my family.

My symptoms got worse over time.
  • IBS or no poop at all - plan my outings to where the washrooms are
  • brain fog - can not complete sentences or my thoughts
  • extreme fatigue - like can't get off the couch and the TV is NOT even on tired
I felt like I was losing myself. Everything I ate or drank made me feel yucky!

THEN in my early 40’s I became gluten intolerant. 

Was I headed for a crash?? So scary!

And terrified about how the rest of my life was going to be like. I have always planned to live a long life but I want to be active and health while I do it.

I was feeling like an old person: always know where the bathroom was, wear stretchy clothes to accommodate the food baby and bloating, achy joints, brain fog, and wanting sleep all the time. I wasn’t living the life the way I wanted.

Hope comes from unexpected places; right? My step daughter was using essential oils and loved them AND she was using them on my grandkids. So if she trusted it so much  - I have it a try. There was a kit that I bought and in it was a blend called Digize. Oh My Gosh! All I did was put it where I was hurting and got immediate results! I was shocked and amazed. Life was going to be good after all, phew.

Because I had such great results with Digize I then had confidence to learn and try other products to help my gut. It was like night and day! I NEVER know what it actually felt like to FEEL GOOD. I didn’t know - now I do.

Do you know what it is like to feel good?

Life is meant to be lived. I crave new experiences all the time. Now that I have sorted out my digestive issues I can get on with learning new things and creating fantastic experiences.

Join me in my journey! Here is my free group to follow along:

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