How Did I Start Running AGAIN!
Okay first of all, I love to run and I have done it most of my life. What I don’t like is getting in to shape to have a decent run. 

Now I am 54 and things are more interesting - easier to injure myself just stretching - lol. 

I read a lot of books and there are 2 books that helped me get to this run easier than before (I will put links at the bottom if you want to take a look). The first book is Atomic Habits by James Clear and the second it Wake Up! By Lindsay Teague Moreno.

Atomic Habits has taught me HOW to insert habits I WANT in my life. There are strategies to make it easier and more fun to change my routine. I am on a journey to improve my health so that I can have a better life. Change is required - lol.

Wake Up! This one helped me decided what was really important to me. If I could start doing ONE thing that would make many things better; what would it be? Movement

The Wake Up! premise is that you pick ONE thing and DO IT FOR 100 DAYS! Sound crazy or off the wall but I have done it with other habits and those habits have stuck.

So I am trying one more thing; movement - walk/run for 15 minutes everyday for 100 days. I am currently in the beginning of my 100 days but I am already seeing fantastic results. Now I have only completed my walk/run for 19/26 days and I am okay that I am not 26/26 - you set your own parameters with this.

This is the exciting or surprising part for me. Even though I was not perfect I was shocked on day 26! My routine is that before I could eat my first meal of the day I HAD to complete my 15 minutes on the treadmill. When I was done on the treadmill I planked for as long as I could and then stretch. Day 26 I got into plank and I went twice as long or more! I got up and was like “What the heck was that? How did that happen? What does this mean?” 

MAYBE I was ready to run??????

I don’t know if it was denial or me just being stubborn because I know how hard it is to get into shape, again and again. So day 27 I decided to MEDITATE about it. My intension was “How do I lose weight fast and keep it off?” My sub conscious was SCREAMING at me to run!

So I got up and went for a run - I got dressed, stretched and grabbed my music and out the door - my goal was just to run as far as I could go so I could set a goal for other runs. 

OVER 1 km! It was the second hill that got me, if it wasn’t there I would have ran longer. But it is what it is and I can’t move that hill so I just need to get up the hill.

I should say that while I was starting the 100 days of movement I was also getting my food and water right. I do believe that having those 2 things in place also helped me tremendously to complete the run.

I am excited, I am ready, I feel confident that I will complete the rest of my 100 days of movement. Some I will run and rest days I will walk. If I can do this you can too, you just need to figure out what your Wake Up 100 is.

Getting back into shape this time has been WAY EASIER than before. 

Here are the links to the 2 books that really helped me. You may have Atomic Habits already, it is pretty popular. Wake Up was harder to find on Amazon so the link may be needed.

I am really curious what you will pick and if you want to share with me that would be great! I am always working on something :) Let me know how it goes.

If you want to follow along in all my stuff I have a group - join us. 

Chat soon!


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