Bedtime! Sleep Is Better With A Routine
You may have created bedtime routines for your kids or your pet but did you create one for YOU?

We are all human and we all need a routine to get the best sleep that we can.  I have had good results from a few things that I will share with you. 

1. No more TV in the bedroom!   - get it out! Best thing I ever did!
2. Reduce blue light – cell phones and tablets – also like the TV the blue light makes it more difficult to fall asleep – I do read on my tablet once in awhile and I do find that it takes me longer to fall asleep.  I love to read before sleep so I just give myself a timeline and shut it off.
3. Snuggle your loved ones – whether you have child or a partner or a fury friend if doesn’t matter.  Giving and getting hugs & snuggles is calming and down right good for you.
4. Skin care and your teeth – yup you need to brush your teeth and moisturize your face
5. Self Care – maybe the most important or the one we don’t think is important.  Did you have self care today?  Is there something you can do just for you, something that brings you joy and do that every night before bed? Take a hot bath, stretching, reading, watering your plants, do your nails, and doing the dishes doesn’t count.
6. Diffuser and essential oils – having a diffuser beside my bed has changed my life, I have my favorite essential oils (lavender and orange) and I add to those or change them depending on my needs or mood.  I will put essential oils on my feet, chest, wrists or belly button depending on what I may need that night.  I take the diffuser camping and while traveling; anything over 2 nights!
7. Temperature and heavy blanket – do you like a cool room or a warm room? Just putting a heavier blanket on the bed may rock your world.
8. Get into bed so you can get 8 hours of sleep – they have alarms now for when to go to bed; now I don’t have to do the math!
So sweet dreams to you and find your routine that encourages your body to get the sleep it desires. 


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