Why did I hurt? Everywhere! I am young I should not feel like an old women. I would joke about making old lady noises and laugh. But really it is not a laughing matter.  My body is aging but my mind is young, what was I going to be like when I am 60 or 70? That was my scary question.

This was not a terrible pain that I needed to go to the doctor. I was not taking over the counter pain medication everyday. But every once in awhile I would take over the counter pain medication and I even got the stuff for arthritis for those really bad days or the days that I had a bunch of stuff going on and I needed to feel better. (Feel better were my words, I couldn’t even think about what feeling good was like; sad right.) Joint pain, sore muscles, bloated, gut pain, brain fog and I was tired. Okay exhausted.

I was in my mid to late 40’s and getting older was actually scary.  See, I know I am going to live a long time.  But what quality of life was that going to be.  Was I just going to seize up and lay in a bed for 20 years? I was going to have NONE OF THAT!

So I had a choice to make; do I start going to the doctor and have them medicate me OR do I do some of my own research and find a more natural solution?

I chose the natural solution. Now I had to get good at asking questions and finding the answers. I found clues everywhere. I saw people people using peppermint and lavender. I started googling and when you do that then ads start popping up.  I clicked. Then I listened, where did they find out this information, I went there.  I bought books and studied them like text books. I still research and will never stop learning.

Then I became an experimenter. I would change one thing in my diet or add a natural product and see what happened. Most times it was huge improvement.

I learned a LOT about inflammation and how toxic (unnatural) chemicals were wreaking havoc on my body. The things we put in our mouths, on our bodies, and breathe ACTUALLY make a difference in our overall health.

The 5 things that turned it all around for me:

1. a high antioxidant super juice 
2. essential oils
3. natural plant based products for my home and my body
4. being a label reader
5. good supplements

Now I am 50 and I feel like am in my 30’s again. I have more energy, it is easier to move, my gut issues are much better and I think clearer. I am a much happier person living an active life. Life is looking better and better.

I can help you get on the path of feeling better.  Click on my GUIDE below.


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