This was my annual checkup that usually happens every 3 years, lol. I had no complaints or symptoms to complain about, it was just time for a visit. I have been on a journey of natural healing and this was my first trip back.

First of al,l I really had nothing to complain about. I used to have terrible heartburn, tired all the time, didn’t sleep well, brain fog, ache and pains, headaches, and the list goes on. I remember I used to write down all my complaints so I wouldn’t forget them. Now I had NOTHING to complain about. Amazing right?! I still get the odd headache or heart burn or ache or pain but the difference now is that it is not all the time – just occasionally. And I usually know why I feel that way; I either ate something I shouldn’t have or I over did something.

I think this is how we are all supposed to be.

At the appointment I did more listening. I listened to the questions he was asking me: why were these ones important and what does that say about our health care system as a whole?

The one question that really struck me was “what medications are you on?” Pretty normal question right but when I said “none” he was shocked and said “REALLY?” Okay so I am 50 years old and my interpretation of his response was: female and age 50 you should be on something. He then asked me a bunch of more questions and specifically about anxiety; I am sure just to make SURE I didn’t need “something”. No pills required; I must be amazing!

So I learned 2 things. First the way we look at health care is a bit backwards – a pill will work better than natural foods and products. And second I am extremely healthy for someone my age.


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