So what the hell happened?  

Often I ask that question to myself and sometimes a doctor.  Even if I think back 5 years ago (but I should look back to 20 years ago) how much energy I had.  Where did it go?  Why did it leave me?  Can I get it back?  Have you ever found yourself asking those questions?  I am hoping to shed some light on it for you today.

Un-well, what do I mean about that?  Are you tired, not sleeping well, digestion issues (including heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, upset tummy etc), grouchy or mood swings, got aches, starting to think you have anxiety, weight you can’t lose, or always seem to have a cold?  Un-well are these things and more; sometimes a lot of these things and more.  You start stacking them up and you feel like a mess that you can’t get under control; I did.

So you start to do the things we used to do or that used to work or think we should do to make it better.  Then we don’t get immediate results or you “just don’t have the energy to do it today” so you stop.  Check out fads - nope no results there.  Pretty soon you just give up and accept “this is my new normal”.  Yikes!

I think this is most of us; this is just how life is now.  Everyone you know has “something” and is just as tired as you so this must be how I am supposed to feel.

Then you live for years with this new acceptance; “this is my new normal”.  NOW more symptoms are stacking up and getting more severe.  Some of us go to the doctor for advice, I did.  I wasn’t happy with the answer.  Here’s what might happen: the doctor prescribes a pill or tells you to take a vitamin.  They take blood tests sure, just to make you feel like they are doing something!  But without saying it they are saying you are not sick enough for me to treat you yet.  

Let that sink in for a minute, you are not sick enough for me to treat you yet.  A good friend of mine went through it as well.  She was having issues with her thyroid and diagnosed with hashimotos disease.  She was at the beginning of the disease and was told that they would monitor the numbers and as the numbers fell they could then prescribe medication and eventually take out her thyroid. And try not to eat gluten.  I think I was more upset than she was; just wait to get sicker - then I can help you. 

It took me quite awhile to understand this about doctors.  But I get it now.  Doctors have to prioritize their time; treat the people who need it most.  I go to my regular doctor visits, I get whatever tests they think I should get.  But now I listen differently to them.  I am listening for clues: what should I be researching or investigating on my own.  The doctor doesn’t have time to teach me, to train me, to hold my hand. And that is okay. 

I think my friends and my reactions were different because we were in different places or stages.  She was ready to accept “this is my new normal” - she has a diagnosis.  I was in the next stage.

What is the NEXT stage after “this is my new normal”?

For me the next stage was WHY.  Why did this happen?  Why is there little explanation?  Why is there no help or guidance?  I would get one answer and ask WHY again!

Being un-well is NOT YOUR FAULT!  Not sure if you heard that, all of this issues, symptoms and general feeling crappy is not your fault so there is no guilt for you to carry.  

We ALL have been brainwashed to believe that we need certain things and to do certain things and all of these innovations to our lives has changed our minds and bodies.  Not for the better either.  But that is a whole other story to tell.

Don’t beat yourself up - all of this change took time, LOTS of time.  Decades!
It happened so slowly we didn’t even know that it was happening. 

Is there a solution - yes
Can I reverse my symptoms - yes
Will it take decades - NO

The next stage is WHAT, what can I do? Lots!

Join me on a journey of wellness; I concentrate on 2 things.  What goes IN our bodies and what goes ON our bodies.  Sound too easy, too simple?  It can be if we break it down into real life manageable steps.  If I gave you a list of 52 things to fix your health you would try 1 or 2, maybe 3 and then give up because it is too hard and then you go back into “this is my new normal” again and they symptoms keep stacking up.  

STOP the insanity!

Join me on a journey of wellness.  I will share my resources, my insights, my pit falls and all the lovely bits in between.  Oh my - we should have some fun too. 

It starts with just a click.


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